What is PROFIL? <-- 0 1 2 3 -->
Roll Tools What is PROFIL?

PROFIL is the roll form design software for every manufacturer of cold roll-formed profiles or seamed tubes from sheet metal and for designers of rollformers and tube mills.

PROFIL enables quicker working and cost reductions in planning, design, calculation and drawing of the profile, the flower pattern (bending steps) and the roll tooling.

PROFIL is available for all WINDOWS platforms and has an easy to use WINDOWS-based user interface, which enables experienced roll form designers to learn through self-tuition. More..

PROFIL has built in CAD interfaces (DXF, IGES and MI), which can be used for generating drawings in any CAD system. For AutoCAD, SolidWorks, SolidEdge, and BricsCAD, the very modern ActiveX-interface is used. More..

What are the aims of PROFIL?

PROFIL will not replace the engineer. This is not possible. But it will give him practical help for a quicker and safer design.

To achieve these aims, the software must relieve the designer of tedious work, e.g. calculating the developed length, drawing the profiles and roll tools, compiling the parts list etc. So the designer is able to fully concentrate on the design.

A designer, in most cases, is not a computer specialist. Therefore the software must speak the designer's language. And the software must be easy to operate and easy to learn.

The software must fulfil practical requirements and must have great flexibility to adapt to specific requirements. It also must contain the latest results of scientific research.

The PROFIL story

PROFIL has been designed by UBECO in co-operation with the rollforming industry. When it was presented at the Euro-BLECH exhibition in 1986, the attendees were impressed by the capabilities of the software. Soon PROFIL became a leading software for rollforming design in Germany.

The first version was running under MS-DOS and HP-UNIX. Since 1997 the WINDOWS version has been available. Because of its very easy to handle graphical user interface PROFIL became famous world-wide. Until now more than 600 systems have been sold. Customers in more than 50 countries are using PROFIL for their design.

In 2001 the simulation of the roll forming process by using FEA (Finite Element Analysis) was possible for the first time in the designing office of roll forming companies. This is a milestone in the development of design methods, since user without FEA experience are enabled to get the benefit of the FEA simulation to enhance the product quality. When later the PSA (Profile Stress Analysis) was added, a three-step quality management concept was available.

What does PROFIL do?

PROFIL supports the section definition. Create new profiles by entering the dimensions into the system, by importing a CAD contour or by using the design toolbox for standard profiles, or by combining these powerful tools to get your design.

PROFIL works as your assistant while designing. Besides determining the neutral line and calculating the developed length of the sheet metal, PROFIL calculates all the important data for the bending process: spring back, statics, and the stress of the band edge.

PROFIL speeds up your work designing the flower pattern. Simply change angle or radius values with the editor or by using the modify toolbox to create the bending steps. You may select constant developed length or a constant radius method.

PROFIL supports modification and optimization of the flower. After every modification of a bending angle, the stress of the band edge is recalculated and displayed.

PROFIL speeds up the roll design by directly using the profile contour or any contour drawn in CAD. Use the powerful commands to modify the rolls to your individual needs. Create roll drawings just by key stroke. Roll tool drawings are dimensioned automatically.

PROFIL supports manufacturing of the roll tools by creation of parts lists and NC-programs (DIN 66025).

PROFIL supports the quality management by checking the final design with the calculation of stress of band edge, the profile stress analysis (PSA), and the finite element simulation (FEA).

PROFIL helps searching for suited rolls, if existing old rolls of the roll stock should be re-used in a new project.

PROFIL helps searching for recent projects, if the designer wants to consider experience from similar profiles that are produced in the past.

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